Wednesday, 25 March 2009

koinonia - two -

Give out an image:

Give out a thought:
It is to be expected that whenever God’s Spirit is poured out on people, their traditions and institutions will be disrupted and disturbed. God’s intervention is always subversive, because YHWH is not a domesticated deity, baptizing our traditions and institutions, but the One who seeks to liberate us from our enslaved condition, to heal us of our wounds and addictions, and to animate us in the practice of justice and compassion. Thus when the Spirit descends in Acts, it empowers the church to move across established (and enforced!) social and economic boundaries of gender (as Peter endorses women prophets, Acts 2:17f), race (as the disciples engage in multi-lingual outreach, 2:9,39) and class (as “uneducated, common Galileans” preach to “devote leaders,” 2:7).  (Ched Myers)

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Find a Big Issue seller and give them a present.

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